The Best Nursing Home Activities to Get Residents Moving with Omnikin

December 6, 2023

Massage PE Game
Written by Pierre-Julien Hamel
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When you think about Omnikin, you may have images of energetic children in a playground setting, laughing and jumping around playing Kin-Ball. While Omnikin is renowned among PE teachers and recreational educators for innovative recreational balls often used in schools and camps, our games and several balls can be used for people of other ages far beyond younger demographics. Today, we focus on how Omnikin products can help an entirely different sector: nursing home activities.

The importance of activities for the elderly

The elderly population in senior residences often faces many health issues that might limit their physical mobility. These can include:

  • Arthritis and other chronic pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular issues
  • Heart problems
  • Neurological disorders
  • Sarcopenia
  • Balance issues
  • Visual impairment

While the Center for Disease Control in the US recommends that people over 65 get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activities, 2 days a week of muscle strengthening exercises, and activities to improve balance, assisted living facilities and nursing homes often fall short when it comes to providing physical activity to residents, due to the health conditions and personality of individuals, organizational culture, negative attitudes towards physical activity, and a sheer lack of resources, among others.

However, times are. Nursing home activities are on the rise due to the unprecedented amount of studies and research conducted that point to the importance of physical and social activities for the elderly.

So how can Omnikin become a solution for activity directors, physical therapists and kinesiologists who work in nursing homes? Read on!

With a parachute
Active living is vital for seniors as it contributes to their overall well-being in a holistic manner. Engaging in regular movement helps to maintain cardiovascular health, improves muscle tone and bone density, reduces the risk of falls, and can significantly enhance cognitive function.Exercise extends seniors’ quality of life and lifespans. It can promote better sleep, enhance their mood, provide a sense of accomplishment, and foster a sense of community and overall happiness. Incorporating physical activity into the daily regimen of seniors is inevitably the pathway to a more healthy, enriching and fulfilling life during the golden years.


While the Center for Disease Control in the US recommends that people over 65 get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activities, 2 days a week of muscle strengthening exercises, and activities to improve balance, assisted living facilities and nursing homes often fall short when it comes to providing physical activity to residents, due to the health conditions and personality of individuals, organizational culture, negative attitudes towards physical activity, and a sheer lack of resources, among others.

However, times are. Nursing home activities are on the rise due to the unprecedented amount of studies and research conducted that point to the importance of physical and social activities for the elderly.

So how can Omnikin become a solution for activity directors, physical therapists and kinesiologists who work in nursing homes? Read on!


Safety for fragile clienteles

In environments where the clientele is particularly frail and susceptible to injuries, prioritizing safety becomes essential. There are many limitations and restrictions that may affect the elderly population in senior residences, particularly when it comes to physical activities. These constraints could be health-related, such as mobility issues, chronic conditions, or a general frailty that comes with aging. They could also be psychological, like a fear of injury or being an introvert.

The corridor
Given these constraints, it’s crucial to approach physical activities in senior residences with safety and adaptability in mind, which is where products like Omnikin balls come in. They allow for versatile, low-impact physical and social activities that can be tailored to fit the individual health profiles of residents.The balls are lightweight and made with a soft material; they can easily be handled by seniors of all skill levels. These features make the ball safe to catch, thereby reducing the risk of injuries.

Adaptability of games

One size doesn’t fit all, especially in a diverse environment like a nursing home where some residents may be sitting while others may be standing. Omnikin balls can be easily adapted into different types of games, allowing seamless integration into current social activities or in-room activities for nursing home residents. They can be carried out individually, in small teams, or in larger groups. For example, seated residents can engage in simplified versions of volleyball or even a circle-pass game. Check out this video on how Omnikin balls can be used in different nursing home settings.

In our experience, here are the top activities and games that are used in nursing homes for mobile non-mobile clienteles:

Ballon sur table

Table Ball

With a parachute


Massage PE Game


Start your engine

Start your engine



Bombard the ball

Bombard the Ball

Ensemble de Frites Omnikin

Treasure Hunt

The corridor


Bringing joy back with nursing home activities

Many nursing homes offer traditional activities like bingo, card games, or simple exercise routines that may not be as physically engaging or mentally stimulating. While these nursing home activities serve a purpose, they often lack the element of novelty and zest for life. Residents are usually accustomed to a routine, which can also become monotonous.

Introducing Omnikin balls into this mix brings a refreshing change. These colourful balls are fun to play with and evoke a sense of youthful energy. The games for special needs clienteles that have been developed for Omnikin balls provide an element of surprise and excitement that is rare in standard nursing home activities. Nursing home residents become active and feel alive, engaged, and joyful while doing so.

Omnikin products stand out for a very particular reason: their celebration of colour. While colour might seem like a simple aesthetic choice, it holds more significant implications, especially for an older demographic whose senses might be diminishing. As vision fades, brighter and more contrasting colours become easier to see. Moreover, the colours, combined with sensory stimulation, have a psychological impact; they can stimulate the mind and even improve mood.

Expertly trained special educators for social activities

To optimize the impact of Omnikin products in a nursing home setting, we offer specialized training for activity coordinators and physical activity educators. Participants gain a deep understanding of the unique mobility challenges and opportunities present in an elderly population. They are trained to assess individual capabilities and tailor games to suit different levels of physical function and engagement, thereby ensuring that each resident can participate safely and enjoyably.

Become a Omnikin trainer
Furthermore, our training sessions for special needs clienteles provides the tools to implement the underlying philosophy of play that Omnikin espouses. This isn’t just about throwing or catching a ball; it’s about fostering social connections and transforming a simple ball game into a holistic experience that caters to the physical, emotional, and social well-being of each resident.Omnikin is revolutionizing the way we think about nursing home activities. Whether it’s enhancing social activities, providing sensory experiences, or ensuring that residents are engaged and safe, Omnikin products are a great bet! If you’re looking to add a new layer of excitement to your current activities for the elderly, consider integrating Omnikin into your approach. Because with Omnikin, playtime isn’t just for kids—it’s for everyone.

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Formateur tenant un ballon Omnikin Six.
Pierre-Julien Hamel
General Manager at International Kin-Ball Federation
International development leader
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For more ideas on how to integrate Omnikin in your nursing home, get our Activity Guide for Special Needs Clienteles.
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